Friday, March 30, 2007

Eastern Brook Trout

My favorite fish is the Brook Trout. It is also my favorite fish to fish. You can find them in tiny spring creeks, rivers, ponds and lakes. Wherever you find them, be prepared for some great scenery, because they only survive in the cleanest, freshest water.

My fondest memories of fishing involved going after brook trout. My Dad would have me out in the early morning dawn; mosquitoes swarming, black flies biting, nettles stinging. And...I loved it! Even falling chest- high through a beaver dam with my fishing hook snagged in the alder brush 50 yards back...I loved it!

The brook trout is a friend to children and beginning fishermen alike. Along with the bluegill, it's hard to imagine a fish that's hungrier or more opportunistic. Fly, spinner, or bait, the brook trout rarely discriminates.

As you can imagine, the range of the brook trout grows more and more compressed as property development continues. Coupled with the brook trout's need for cold, clean water, their numbers have been dwindling along the Appalachians up the East Coast for years. Recently, an initiative has been made to improve habitat and create public awareness. The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is the nation's first pilot project under the National Fish Habitat Initiative, which directs locally-driven efforts that build private and public partnerships to improve fish habitat. The long-term goals of the EBTJV are to develop a comprehensive restoration and education strategy to improve aquatic habitat, to raise education awareness, and to raise federal, state and local funds for brook trout conservation. Seventeen states are currently drafting strategies to prioritize policy changes and on-the-ground actions to improve water quality and restore brook trout habitat and populations in their individual state using locally-driven, incentive-based, and non-regulatory programs.

If YOU would like to find out more and see what you can do to help, visit

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Shonda, Justin & Collan Vacation in Saratoga

Shonda, Justin and Collan Dimitri of Orlando, Florida, paid us a visit last week. The boys were hoping that there would still be some snow...and they weren't disappointed! A Nor'Easter came through on a Friday night, dumping another foot or so. We did a lot during their visit, from seeing the NY State Museum in Albany, snow tubing at Gore Mountain , ski and snowboard lessons at West Mountain, to even building their own sledding runs complete with ramps! Although Spring is well on its way now, it was good to have a last chance at enjoying some Winter weather.

Check out their video by clicking the arrow above.

Special thanks to Jim and Alex Fredell who stopped by the house to show off their French & Indian War re-enactor uniforms. The boys were impressed to with blackpowder flintlock as well as the attire that the soldiers wore back in the day.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Ken Scott's Cleanup Project- Another Victory

Ken Scott's Cleanup Project!
Today, the lot between the Fredells and The Karlington has been cleaned of the piles of re-bar and rotten construction lumber from another failed Ken Scott venture. It took the combined pressure of the neighbors and the City of Saratoga Springs to force Ken to clean up the lot. He has let his undeveloped lot become an eyesore, reducing his fellow neighbors' property values in the process.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Mallet Project

Another project completed was a chisel mallet. Photo collage shows 1 of 2 mallets created. The mallet head is a glued block of figured maple, roughly 3"x3"x5". The handle is just over 12" long and elliptical. Handle and mallet are joined by a through tenon secured with a hand-cut cherry wedge. All planing and bevels were done with handtools. The finish is linseed oil.

New Woodworking Project

This piece is a Jewelry Stand. It is solid cherry with a hand-cut mortise & tenon joint. The bevels were cut by a block plane. The piece was entirely hand-planed and card scraped. The finish is Linseed Oil, Orange Shellac, and Paste Wax.

Monday, March 05, 2007

March 5th- It's my Birthday!

Today is a special's my Birthday!