It all started with the delivery of a dumptruck load of compost/mulch from the city. All of the leaves, grass clippings and limbs that the department of public works picks up during the year is fed to a giant composter. The city then sells and delivers the resulting mulch. It's a lot of work to move a pile of compost around the yard!!

Some of the new garden items for this year are a fig tree, peach and nectarine. We are also trying our hand with honeybees, so far it has been fascinating to watch them get their hive in order. Learn more at www.betterbee.com- they are a nearby mailorder beekeeping supply company and have been a pleasure to work with.
Also new this year is a strawberry pyramid built with plans I found on the web. We've also added an automated irrigation system to improve the quality of everything we grow

Check out the short video below!