Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Walking Along Wollaston Beach

What a nice day today! Highs were in the low 70's and tomorrow we should hit above 80! We walked the length of Wollaston Beach, from our condo to Furnace Brook and back. Wollaston Beach has a great view of the Boston skyline, as well as some peeks of open ocean. Wonderful smells of fried food wafted in from the beachfront clam shops and the cacophony of urban boom boxes mixed with the snarls of cruising cafe racers and choppers made everything feel just like...summer! By the way, what is the DEAL with horseshoe crabs? Every time you see one they are either freshly dead or on their last gasp. Millions and millions of years of evolution and there they lay on the edge of the beach, upside down, trying to flip themselves back over! Geez...

1 comment:

Leon said...

I've always wanted to use cacophony in a sentence, you've beaten me to it.