"When weather breaks, we fix it!"
Polly and I are big fans of Weather Underground. My good friend Leon introduced me to the site years ago and it's been my goto place for local weather ever since. Wunderground, as it is also known, is very innovative and open, allowing you to customize your weather information to your mobile phones, websites and blogs.
And, since they aren't owned by a big media conglomerate, there's a friendly, calmness to their site. One of the most interesting features of Weather Underground is the ability to select weather reports from Personal Weather Stations (PWS). These stations are run by individuals, businesses, schools, and local governments. I've always wanted to be a Wunderground weather station, so this year, Polly and my Mom got me started with the equipment needed to do just that! So check us out- we are station KNYSARAT12 broadcasting from Saratoga's historic west side, 24/7!
You guys are soo amazing...just incredible!
"My plane would have crashed and my ship sunk had we not checked your weather station before heading out"
a thankful traveler
i feel so much closer to you, now that i have your weather station feeding into my wunderground widget. (wow, that sounded terribly WRONG).
now i know when to tell my stupid humans to let me out to poo in their back yard, and not get rained or snowed on!
whippet licks and tail wags :xP'
Blimey! Is it the ol' wag ya getta grimmy crawdit tally? Well done yank!
Crap... now Leon needs one! Can you send him a link for one that is just a little better and a little cheaper than yours?
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